
Average score 482 Reviews
Kevin Billas noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent From the choice of quantity there is something for everyone (Original) Excellent Du choix de la quantité il y en a pour tout les goûts

11 months ago
jus opa noted on Google

11 months ago
Anne sophie Frich noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always very nice presentations. At lunchtime the dishes are hot but in the evening the dishes are cold. The increase in prices in the evening and on weekends is not justified because they are always the same dishes. (Original) Toujours de très belles présentations.Le midi les plats sont chauds mais le soir les plats sont froids.L'augmentation des tarifs le soir et les week-ends ne sont pas justifiés car ce sont toujours les mêmes plats.

11 months ago
David Krem Krem noted on Google

(Translated by Google) it's all in the name. the best. (Original) tout est dans le nom. the best.

11 months ago
Ad'Riien Rmq noted on Google

11 months ago
sebasien pierron noted on Google

11 months ago
rene giandrone noted on Google

(Translated by Google) very good.5*****. (Original) tres bien.5*****.

11 months ago
Anthony Saint Dizier noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very very good (Original) Très très bien

11 months ago
Mickael Bouilloz noted on Google

11 months ago
KARINE VELSCH noted on Google

11 months ago

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